iPhone and Android DeliveryApp for your restaurant

With the free Sitedish DeliveryApp your couriers are always up to date of the order status and provided with the most efficient routes. With the flawless integration in our Sitedish POS software you can asign an order to the courier which is received by push notification on their phone. By opening the map you can track your couriers and set up the next delivery. This way you both have an overview of the delivery orders!

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Sitedish - Map

Delivery address

Showing exact delivery locations, routes and distances

Client details

Address, phone number, new or known customer

Sitedish - Promotion

Payment status

Showing total order value and payment method

From POS to DeliveryApp

With the Sitedish DeliveryApp you can easily manage your deliveries

  • Compatible with orders from platforms like Takeaway and UberEats
  • Map overview of current orders and courier locations
  • Track the courier on the map and asing a new order in the Sitedish POS 
  • Route and order info in 1 app
  • Free download from the Play Store and App store, downloaded over 10.000 times!
Sitedish delivery map

Works for all your orders

The Sitedish DeliveryApp is compatible with all platforms. So not only for orders from your website or app, but also for manually entered orders. Orders from Takeaway and UberEats are also visible in the free included DeliveryApp.

View your orders and couriers on the map

Within your Sitedish POS you can see a map which shows all delivery orders. This provides you with an overview of the delivery status of your orders and the whereabouts of your couriers, whether they are on route to the customer or on their way back to the restaurant. This way you can ensure that the next order is ready to go when your courier arrives back at the restaurant. Which means your courier and customer do not need to wait any longer than necessary!

The DeliveryApp provides the most accurate overview for your courier:

Google Map or Apple Maps compatible
In sync with all delivery platforms
Overview in orders
Contact details order